Friday, May 30, 2014

Must have tops- SAY WHAT?!

Howdy Y'all!

First off- sorry! I have been away for a while. In case y'all didn't know- I moved back home to Arizona & I have been crazy busy! With that being said- I haven't received many freebies since I am at a new address. Once they start coming in like crazy again, I will post pictures and where I got them from. Don't forget you can add me on Facebook (Search for: Lindsey Hambrick) - I post & re-post things about freebies all the time so you can sign up for them! :)

Alright, now that my apology is out of the way, how about I talk about some adorable MUST HAVE tops like my post title above states!

Caffeinated Creators

I started following her on instagram a while back & while scrolling through her feed (which is something I highly recommend doing- you will fall in love in SECONDS), I noticed she was having a giveaway. As I am the queen of freebies, I decided to enter the giveaway. (You can't win if you don't enter!). I ended up winning and she gave me a couple shirts.

The first one is a shirt that reads MOMBIE and it is freaking adorable!

See?! So cute, right?!?!
The second shirt is a shirt that reads "All I need today is a little bit of coffee and a whole lot of Jesus". I am in LA LA LOVE with it!

This shirt is seriously perfect!
These are just the two I own! She has sooo many more shirts to offer! For book nerds like myself and many of my friends- her site will make you giggle like a school girl from excitement! She has shirts for TFIOS, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Divergent, and so many more!
I went to her site, and picked some of my favorites from her site to share with y'all:

Would you like to know the BEST part about her shirts & tanks? ALL of her stuff is hand painted/screened for EACH order. So it's like you're royalty when ordering from her! AND! They are CUSTOM designs! They aren't sold ANYWHERE else! So if you buy from her, you can start a trend! (for all my hipsters out there- pretty cool, right!?)

Have I convinced you to check out her stuff yet?
Well guess what?! Since you took time & read this post about her adorable shirts she is offering 15% OFF YOUR ORDER. Just enter in the code MOMMASWANTY and TADA! Pretty cool right?

Oh, and don't forget:
Follow her on instagram to see more cute stuff: @caffeinatedcreators
Check out her website:
Buy some cute tees and show the World how adorable CaffeinatedCreators tees really are.
(Once you buy them, post them to instagram and tag her & use hashtag #CaffeinatedC - She likes to see how cute you all look in tees!).

Thanks for reading my blog today and make sure you check out her stuff.



Thursday, March 27, 2014


Hi friends!

So my mailbox today pretty much rocked my world! 

Sorry for the horrible picture quality... But you get the point, right?

So first, I got 2 packages of Metamucil from Walmart! They also came with a $1.00 coupon. (GO FIBER!)
Second, I got a $5.00 off coupon for Similac formula. I don't use it, but I think my sister does, so I will probably send it her way!
Third, I got some Burberry Brit Rhythm perfume samples. They are temporary tattoos with the scent. Made me literally LOL, but hey, free perfume, right?!
And lastly, I DID pay for this one. I only paid $5.95 for shipping, but I got a bunch of stuff from the Honest Company. For that price I got 7 diapers in little Miss Ellie Fae's size, 10 baby wipes, and little travel sized items.
Honest Hand Soap 2 Fl. Oz
Honest Healing Balm .75 Oz
Honest Face & Body Lotion .75 Oz
Honest Shampoo & Body Wash .75 Oz
Honest Laundry Detergent 2 Fl. Oz

You can get your free trial here: but to let you know, within 7 days of receiving your trial kit CALL or EMAIL them to CANCEL or they WILL try to charge your card for monthly deliveries. I am going to call them up tomorrow and let them know. They say that they want to know why and I am simply going to tell them I need time to try all the products before I am going to commit. (Who knows, I may fall in love and want that monthly delivery!)

I think i made out like a bandit today. YAY! And because its Throwback Thursday today...

I miss my baby being so SMALL. Ahhh. She's a giant now :) Have a fantastic day! Let me know if you have received anything! I would love to know! 

Hugs and Kisses;


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I love FREE stuff, do YOU?!

Hey guys!

Sorry, I haven't posted in a few days... I have been busy with my crazy, I mean, ADORABLE, child. But I did get some awesome freebies the other day and I promised that I would write about it. So, here it goes!

I got a free sample of Nivea lotion. its just a small pouch and isn't much, but its slim so I can fit it in my diaper bag or wallet easily. So if I am out and about I have some lotion that is right there! It also came with a $1.00 off coupon which is awesome :)
I also got a free "sample" of perfume. Its one of those pages that you peel back and smell, but hey, in an emergency you can rub it on yourself so you don't stink ;)
And lastly, as I have mentioned before, I am a member of ! I finally got selected to be a part of a campaign- FOR STARBUCKS! I got 10 Keurig Starbucks Veranda blend coffee K-cups and a BUNCH of coupons for $4.00 off. Starting tomorrow I will be doing activities, such as, surveys, reviews, and spreading the word. Just so you know, I tried it today and it was DELICIOUS. I have tried many Starbucks K-cups, but I really enjoyed this one :) I definitely recommend it! (This site is 100% FREE as well. No credit cards, no strings!)

Ellie is finishing her nap, and I have to clean... I just wanted to post my freebies :) 

Also, is revealing MORE freebies on Tuesday April 1st at 12PM EST. You can sign up here: You will be signing up through me, which also gives me some extra points to earn some cool stuff, so I would appreciate it! Remember, it is 100% free. A credit card is NEVER asked for. I have received 2 boxes and I am waiting on a couple more to appear in my mailbox! 

I hope y'all have a fantastic day!

And here is a picture for some smiles:

Isn't she so cute!? I know ;)

Hugs and Kisses;


Friday, March 21, 2014

Thursday Mailbox

Hi Friends :)

Hey there! I meant to post this last night, but miss Ellie Fae decided to fall asleep early, so I went to bed pretty early as well. Yesterday I got some awesome stuff in my mailbox!

As you can see here:
What I got:
From I received Suave lotion and Clean&Clear shampoo
I also received Yogi Tea samples- Bedtime Tea and Stress Relief Tea.
Last but NOT least, I received some dog joint care. Luna, my German Shepherd has had tons of joint problems from her random growth spurts, so I am really excited to try it out! Crossing my fingers that it helps her in the future. It breaks my heart to hear her crying and see her limping around!

If I receive anything in my mailbox today I will try to post! What kind of freebies have you received? Have you signed up for any sites? Have you found any sites that I haven't mentioned? If so- let me know! I love expanding my knowledge on freebies and coupons!

Hope you have a fantastic day and I hope to hear from all of you!

Hugs and Kisses;


Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Hello friends!!

So due to the fact that I just created this blog yesterday, my blog is just plain ol' Jane. Due to that, I am going to be working on my blog making sure it is easy to use for myself and y'all. So please bear with me while I try to figure it all out and get it how I like it. With that being said, I will try to post as often as I can. Usually I will be posting while little miss Ellie Fae is napping or something of the sort. I still need to create different sections on my blog such as coupons I have found, the freebie sites I use, and all my recipes. So, like I said, it will probably take me a while to get it all how I would like it to be. Feel free to give me suggestions or let me know if something is not working. It will truly help me out! I appreciate y'all :)

So today has been nothing exciting. Right now miss Ellie Fae, Luna, and Lucy are napping. So I figured I would just write a short post :) This morning, Luna decided that she would have an accident on the carpet... *sigh*. Thank goodness I have some cleaner to get the stains out! Ellie decided that last night was her time to cry, but I do understand. She got shots on Monday, and she was NOT happy about it. But little miss is growing! She is 13 pounds and 24 inches long! Wow! I'm still breastfeeding her (which has been such a challenge!) When I first had Ellie I couldn't get her to latch. After working with a lactation consultant, I FINALLY got her to latch... then came the evil mastitis. I have had it since she was 2 weeks old. Most women probably would have called it quits by now, but I can't bring myself to quit! I just enjoy breastfeeding her too much! Here pretty soon we are going to be experimenting with foods, so I am incredibly excited about that! I have already let her lick certain things off my fingers.. such as pickle juice. Let me tell you, little miss is addicted now. She loved it! I was expecting the "yuck" face from her, but no ma'am! She loved it! It is so fun to be going through this stage with her. I love introducing new things and see her smile grow! Being a mommy is the best thing ever :)

As soon as my husband gets off work I will be checking the mail in hopes that I will get more free samples! If I end up getting some, I will be sure to post them so y'all can see! In my previous post, I posted a picture of all the freebies I have received before. If you would like to know where I got them or received them from, feel free to ask! I get so excited when my mailbox is full of stuff and I just want to share with every single person who is willing to listen to my excitement! :)

Anyway, I am off to hunt for some more freebies and coupons! Have a fantastic day, and I look forward to posting tonight or tomorrow!

Thanks for reading!

Hugs and Kisses;


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Freebie Addict


So as you can see by the title of this post, I am going to be talking about my obsession with freebies and where I get them all from! So for starters, I just started signing up for them about a month ago and I have already received a bunch of samples!
As you can see here:

So first off, I started following a lady named Sarah on facebook and on her website, . She is the bees knees. She posts EVERY DAY about freebies, hot deals, recipes, etc. I highly recommend liking her on FaceBook and following her website.
Second, I use . This website is a site where you write product reviews, add team members, and unlock badges, which qualify you to get boxes FULL of free stuff. Now, it doesn't happen instantly, so you have to give it time, and work on reviews every day, or try to at least. So don't give up on it after a few weeks of working on it :)
Third, I use . This site is awesome as well. You fill out surveys when they post them for you, and you can qualify for campaigns, which they send you free items for and you do stuff along with it, such as surveys, reviews, and spreading the news about it to your friends. I am currently participating in my first campaign where I am receiving FREE Starbucks for my Keurig, and all I have to do is the activities they ask! Pretty easy if I do say so myself! :)
Fourth, . This site posts freebies (a lot of them are posted to raininghotoupons already), but sometimes there are some different ones :) I like to randomly check the site to see if there is anything cool posted!
Fifth, . This is a site where you just sign up, and every so often (at least once a month), they post free items you can add to your box and they send it your way! You have to be QUICK though, because the samples go FAST! I am on my third box and I just signed up a month ago. I love it!

So this is the majority of the sites I use. I use a few others, but I RARELY look at them, so I don't feel like they deserve a spot on my blog! Haha!

Please let me know if you signed up for any of these sites or start following them! They are awesome. Don't be a stranger... Feel free to ask me anything you would like :)

Have a fantastic evening! This mama has to get her grouchy baby to bed :)



Introducing... New Mommy

Hi there!

I'm Lindsey, and it is so lovely to meet you! My reason for starting this blog is because I am a new mommy, and I'm trying to figure things out. I have a beautiful 4 month old baby girl named Ellie, who joined this amazing place on November 15th, 2013. I have two crazy dogs (Lucy & Luna) that like attention 24/7.Last but definitely NOT least, I have a husband in the United States Army, which doesn't make things easier by any means. We are currently reside in Texas, but we are both originally from the beautiful desert, Arizona. Living away from family is NOT easy by any means, but we do get to go home and visit family twice a year! 

So, now you know about my family life... How about some more about what I do on a day-to-day basis?! I am a stay at home mommy and I do not planning on going back to work... ever! (As long as my husband and I are making ends meet!) I breastfeed, so that takes up a lot of my day due to Ellie being a little oinker! I also am a coupon/freebie lady! I use so many sites that I have to write them down so i don't forget which is which. (Believe me, it gets pretty intense!) Due to me being a stay at home mommy, I do the usual stuff, cook & cleaning... which I should probably be working on instead of starting this blog! Haha! Oh well, I have all week for that stuff ;). I LOVE cooking and finding new recipes, so as I find them, I will be posting them, and I promise I will let you know if they turned out good or not!

I am all about getting to know my viewers and people who subscribe to my blog, so feel free to message me or comment about anything! I will be posting about the sites I love to use in a few but I figured I should probably show off a few pictures so you know what I look like. I am a nosy person and I like to know who I am talking to/looking at, so i will return the favor! ;)

So, this is me and my little miss Ellie Fae:
This is a picture of my sweet little family:

I am SO excited to start this blog, so please follow :)

Hugs and Kisses;
